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I am starting to look at old work that I could possibly use to influence my project. As I would like the theme of my final major project to be music related I went back to my botanical project and found that i had completed some research on headphones. this will work well with my project. 

The idea of Wrights vochlea was to transform the human voice into music. Currently the instruments include drums, guitar, bass and brass. Vochlea can create loops , merge instruments and add distortion affects. in the future George hopes to develop more instruments and even a brass mouth piece. 


George Phillip Wright's vochlea design , at first glance is very simple with minimal colour or pattern- kind of resembling a lamp. But on closer inspection you can see the microphone has a geometric shape due to being based off of seashells. If this was my project I would have kept this more organic but to me the triangles give an expensive feel. 

Looking deeper into the fact the microphone is influenced from a seashell - i think this is a very creative idea. If were reading deeper into this shape - there is an old theory you can hear mermaids talking through a shell. In my opinion this is a cute idea. 


James's ambition is to rethink how neonatal care can be provided all over the world no mater where you are. The aestetics of this product is simple with a clear theme of green- this gives a natural feel. Also with the design being so minimal you can really focus the purpose of the product. I like this.  

The bag reminds me of a tent- this is a good thing as both the incubator and a tent are needed to be transported. In my opinion this is a very creative design. 

On mOm incubator's website it states the product is cost effective, high quality and robust. reviews also states similar - sporting a 5 star review. This clearly shows that the product is effective and works the way James aimed for it to. 


On Monday the 20th of March we went to the design museum. I felt so inspired by the wall that had lots of products on- these products were designs that people had stated influenced their lives. one of these happened to be a cassette player. this linked to my theme of music so therefore peaked my interest. 

as we walked around there was a wall that had lots of musical devices on - this again interested me and made me want to link my final product more to music than it already was. 

as well as the design museum we went to the natural history museum. this did not influence my project as much as the design museum did , but I really enjoyed it. 

I can relate to the audience as I have recently bought two cassettes , these are of two artists that are very popular in the teenage generation. Because no cassette players have been released in 20 years there are some new ones needed in the market.

Statement from the older generation


Mary – aged 72

When I was at 30 years of age a perfect piece of what we now call technology was released- this was an invention I believe was called a polaroid – it captured a moment and put it on paper that will last, and I was able to treasure them forever. I still have an image from the day my daughter learned to walk stashed in my wallet.

My daughter is now 40 with a 14-year-old daughter- my wonderful granddaughter. Now you see this Christmas she asked me for an instax, when I asked what in the world this was – to my surprise she described exactly what I so adored as a young adult- a camera that catches the moment – but not on a screen (which is peculiar for this generation) – but back onto a small rectangle piece of paper.

Of course, I purchased my lovely lily her so desired camera – the decision to choose which colour to pick from was the most difficult part, gosh how I wished she would have told me herself. The wonderful displays of pinks, purples and blues astonished me.

When I was gifted my camera – there was no choice of even the shade this came in let alone one of these beautifully spectacular colours.

Now when she opened her present Christmas day, she absolutely loved it and SO DID I!

It really did bring back all the memories I had capturing moments with my polaroid. I was so pleased for the younger generation and how they get to experience this along with their current technology.

Right,  I can not hide this from you much longer – in January I took the bus to town and ended up buying myself an instax- in a glorious yellow colour. Gosh didn’t my husband curse me (he secretly loved it too). We spent hours taking photographs and admiring the way they look just like they did when I was a young one. I can’t explain the happiness I gained from this invention, so similar to one from 50 years ago yet so new and trendy.

I must thank the creator of the instax camera for bringing my memories back and ensuring my granddaughter can create new ones.  

click the attachment button to the left to fill out my new survey for yourselves. this would be a great help:) 

Above is one example of the results I had from a media class. This audience consisted mostly of teenage boys. Most had never heard of cassettes - this set me back and made me think whether recreating the Sony Walkman was going to be a good idea. Then I stopped and realised that its not going to affect me or my sales in anyway - I will just have to work slightly harder in marketing for that particular audience. I did have multiple answers to the third question as 'vinyl's'. in my opinion record players have the same nostalgic feel as cassette's do. 

I'm hoping this new survey will give me more information to help me develop my cassette player. I added a few more questions and took one out I felt was irrelevant. questions such as 'what colours make you the happiest' help me aesthetically wise. whereas 'have you ever heard of the Sony Walkman?' aids me in targeting the audience and how I will have to market my item. 

i decided to evaluate the instax camera as the design of it is similar to mine - take a product that has been created and popular a while ago and develop it to make a 21st century idea. 

i used the access fm method to evaluate both mine and fujifilms products- this showed that i needed to explore deeper into factors such as safety and cost. 

looking at ways to present my work in an exhibition. i researched websites of products that have high selling statistics and saw how they sold their work. i came to the conclusion that i would like a high quality low key photograph, clear description , review and colourful eye catching display for my website. 

As well as this i looked at relevant exhibitions that other companies have done. i found one from fujifilm when they released their instax camera - i loved the way they used a box and plus sized items with bright colours to catch the eye of customers. 

i then looked at general product design displays on google images and the design museum. i did not like how most of these are plain and just a board. i did however like how they showed their design process and the prototypes that are displayed showing how much it took to get to the final outcome.

I aim to use bold colours and a box liked shape to present in my final expedition. i also wish to use bold colours that will attract people to look at my product and hopefully become customers. 

Fujifilm's corporate slogan Is ‘value from innovation’ this  is because they are continually innovating and creating new technologies. This inspires me as they are constantly keeping their projects moving and I’m sure there is never a boring day in the workplace , with constant developing going on.

We take an open and flexible attitude to innovation, combining our own original technology with human resources, expertise and technology from around the world.

By Fujifilm stating they combine their technology and technology from around the world I can use them as an influence to develop my project.

I love how they are taking already developed and thought about products (with already high selling stats) to create their product – this is a wise idea in my eyes.

BUSINESS FIELDS - Providing products and services of Healthcare (Medical Systems, Consumer Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Bio CDMO, and Regenerative Medicine), Materials (Advanced Materials, Graphic Systems & Inkjets, and Recording Media), and Imaging (Photo Imaging and Optical Device and Electronic Imaging)

I love the wide range of departments Fujifilm goes into- however it is the ‘imaging’ section  that interests me the most.

I have used these websites to help me justify a lot of my research during this project. I found them very useful as i was able to indicate that alot of my statements hadn't just come from thin air and i have information to back them up. 

Music improves wellbeing and quality of life, research suggests | Health | The Guardian

Back in the loop: why cassette tapes became fashionable again | Cassette tape | The Guardian

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