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Using corrugated card I have created a first prototype of my cassette player. I was influenced by the design in the top left. The simple design consist of cardboard- a photograph of a cassette and plastic. 

I think I prefer rounded edges and I would like to make the whole item slightly thicker. If the cassette was life size I could have sized the player better. 


to test out which method of paper mache I would use i used two small polystirene blocks and two methods so i wouldnt ruin my final outcome. 

i used paper stencils and a hot wire cutter to ensure the shape i wanted was perfect. This outcome is bigger than life size, this was to make sure i can create great detail and see how i want my final outcome to look. 

choosing my three favourite designs from the 9 little sketches i drew was hard but based of aesthetics and practicality i settled on these three. I loved the organic front on design 1, the simplicity of design 2 and the ergonomics of design 3. 

To test which one i will take further i will cut out three shapes using a paper stencil and a hot wire cutter, then paper Mache over them. 

using the stencils I was able to accurately cut out the basic shape of designs 1 and 3. I used polystyrene  and a hot wire cutter. I found this technique very easy and it gave me the desired shape and finish that I wanted. 

These prototypes are not to scale - however I was able to make a decision on which shape to take further from these polystyrene templates. I did not like the way the finger holes sat and the aesthetics of it did not please my eye. as well as this the corners where the fingers would be placed were un able to be rounded and due to safety purposes I did not want to pursue this design. 

That being said I sketched up design 1 and how it would function - as you can see I have changed a few features hopefully enabling the products practicality. The buttons are now round and on the top instead of on the front like they were in the first sketch. I would like the front plate to click into place either using magnets or a device that slots in - this will all be inside as keeping the outside as simple as possible is an aim for me. 

A few days ago I did a small experiment to see which take on paper mache would work the best - I came to the conclusion it was magazine paper. But , I did not want to paint over dark colours and text as it may effect the colour once its painted over. So I used newspaper print paper- this has the same feel and texture to the magazine I used. I decided to test this material out by doing two different layering techniques. I prefer the finish of the tidy way rather than the random planning. the surface feels smoother and neater. When this is fully dry I am going to use acrylic paint to get my desired colouring. 

Using the stencil i used to create the polystyrene shape I drew an outline on a piece of paper, this was to ensure I have the sizing correct. I then measured from one side to the other and so on to create a perfect shape for the windows in the front. I cut these out and will stick them on my product once its dried and painted. I did this because sometimes its hard to make perfectly straight lines with paint. I will do the same with the buttons on my cassette prototype. 

Using the my research on cassette players and the links to the instax camera i sketched a few different ideas. these may just be used as starting thoughts or maybe turned into something more final, i am unsure yet. I am very fond of a few ideas and hope to develop them.


as well as this i mixed some sunset tones to see what colours i would like to use on my product. i am swaying more towards the oranges but the yellows give me positive vibes too. 

I made two polystyrene models - one randomly paper Mache and one nicely placed. i painted the random one yellow to see what colour i would prefer for my final outcome. i hated this colour and shape combination so decided to paint the other orange to test if that one may be better. 

once the orange one was painted i knew that was the colour i wanted, in real life the colour is less red. 

the warm tones make me feel relaxed. it reminds me of a sun set. I painted buttons with water colour and drew the symbols on. i dislike this and if i have time will refine this and ensure they look more specific to my product and tie in more smoothly than the watercolour paper does. this is just a prototype so is bigger than what I aim to create. 

I have created 4 design boards to display behind my final piece in the exhebition, these consist of a large brand name ( to attract customers and ensure my product is obvious among the rest). I also created a planning design board, this consists of all the planning I have done in this project that has enabled me to get this far and have a final product. 

As well as this , I created a research board (consisting of all the research i have constructed) and a practical skills board. the practical skills shows the practical development i have taken part in during the course of my final major project. 


I believe design boards are an important factor of my final outcome - it shows the process in which it took to get this far- displayed in a pretty way. Because my boards are aesthetically pleasing I can present them as part of my final exhebition to let members of the public aware of the work behind my product. 

Before - i have mentioned how i wasn't keen on the buttons on my product and wanted to refine them. Today i decided to peel the paper replica buttons off my product and paper Mache some new ones on. I used printer paper and pva glue to attach this new look and it appeals to me greatly. 

leaping the colouring simply orange black and white is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. 

as well as this i think the white buttons are definitely neater and appear more professional. 

Also , as well as changing the buttons i added a logo. I like the simplicity and the positioning of the branding. to put the logo on the left side of the product attracts me to stare at the logo. whereas the centre would be the point you automatically look at- you can then see a bright white box in the corner that you would have to move your eyes to look at. this makes seeing the logo more memorable as effort has to be put in to see it. 


Using the same method that I used to attach the buttons and screen on my orange prototype I decided I would test another aesthetic on the yellow prototype I had not yet done anything with. I do not like this at all and will not use it as a final outcome. The combination of the rounded edges on the polystyrene and the sharp pointed corners on the buttons , screen and logo did not appeal to me one bit. as well as this the quality of the paint is not perfection- this means it doesn't have the ability to be a final outcome in my exhibition


Using the photography studio in college we took these photographs. The lowkey set up really brings out the bright colours of my product. As well as the colours it shows the rounded edges and organic shape boldly. 

However the quality of the photographs is not appealing to me at all. this is why there is only 2 final photographs - they are the best quality images that were taken. 

If I had enough time I would have re taken these images however as the deadline is near I fear I would not have enough time to photograph, edit and present. 


I love my final product, I am very proud of the outcome I have been able to create. This entire project has help me develop as a product designer and will help me move forward in life. 

I am so keen on the organic shaping of the actual shape. And the screen and buttons give my item a 21st century feel whilst keeping it vintage. 

the colours also make me very happy- throughout the whole project i wanted to keep a sunset colour palette. therefor having an orange final outcome is just what i wanted. 

Finally my project proposal stated that i wanted to create a product that can play music to increase mental health. Although i have only created a prototype you can clearly see with all the research and practical work, where this item can go.

Personally i believe i have completed a product that fits my theme and project proposal, that i am very proud of. 

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